Dave Grohl: Do You Rock?


Best rumor about yourself?
That I'm nailing Christina Aguilera.

Ever trashed a hotel room?
Once, I threw someone through a massive second-floor window. Luckily, the curtains were closed, or he would have been decapitated. It made a sound out of a Bruce Willis movie. It was fucking amazing.

Largest number of people you've woken up next to in bed?
Six, but I was in a hardcore band and we could only afford one hotel room, so it was just guys.

Biggest celeb's home that you've ever gotten drunk in?
Brian May [of Queen]'s house. I had whiskey at Freddie Mercury's piano!

Worst place you've been sick?
Onstage in Japan, I almost puked and shit my brains out in front of 5,000 people. When I ran offstage, they all screamed "Dave Grohl! Asshole!"

Brush with the law?
Just a DUI every once in a while.

Worst tour horror story?
When I was a kid in Scream, I had to kick some stupid drunk German punk's ass for stealing our T-shirts.

What's your least favorite city?
Jakarta, Indonesia. It was difficult to watch security cane people all night.

Ever harbor a fugitive of the law?
I was young, and a friend was on the run for writing bad checks. I had no idea he was dealing coke!

Craziest rider clause?
Fine, stinky European cheese.

The German-punk beatdown and window toss seal it: