Foo Fighter and ex-Nirvana sticksman recalls meeting and playing with his hard rock heroes.
I first heard Physical Graffiti towards the tail
end of my punk-rock phase. I love it so much,
man... everything from "Trampled Underfoot" to
"In The Light"to "Kashmir"-such a broad scope of
songs, a great collection of sessions. As a 17 -year-old
kid raised playing punk-rock drums, I just fell in
love with John Bonham's playing - his recklessness,
his precision. There were times when he sounded
to me like a punk-rock drummer. They were so out
of control They were more out of control than a
Dead Kennedys record.
  A long time ago, I interviewed Jimmy Page and
Robert Plant for a magazine. It was the first time I
ever met them, and I was fucking terrified. I didn't
know what I should touch on. But they were good
people, and they didn't mind talking about their
history. John Paul Jones is exactly the same way.
I'm sure he's used to people being on the verge of
fainting because he used to be in Led Zeppelin,
but he does his best to make you feel completely
comfortable. He came in on our new record
[In Your Honour] and played on a few tracks.
Here in the studio, I have an
original Zeppelin II
gold record up on the
wall, pictures of John
Bonham and Jimmy
Page. I didn't know if I
should take them down
before he showed up.
But I figured, you know
what? He's probably
used to it.